v5 Worker/Listener Installation Guide
This page details how to install the Worker/Listener on a v5 Cinchy IIS platform.
The Worker and Listener are important components for using Real-Time Data syncs. At a high level, the Worker/Listener follows this process:
Once the Listener is successfully subscribed, it waits for events from streaming source.
The Listener receives a message from a streaming source and pushes it to SQL Server Broker.
The Worker then picks up message from SQL Server Broker.
The Worker fetches the matching record from the target based on the sync key.
If there are changes detected, the Worker pushes them to the target system. Successes and failures are logged in the worker's log file.
In a Kubernetes deployment of the Cinchy Platform, the Worker/Listener is automatically installed. The below steps refer only to an IIS deployment of the Cinchy Platform.
Windows Server 2012+
SQL Server 2012+
Service Broker enabled
Cinchy Platform
1. SQL Service Broker Setup
Navigate to the Cinchy Releases table and download the create_queues script from the Script Artifacts column.
On a Windows Server machine, launch an instance of PowerShell as the Administrator.
To set up the worker queues and SQL Service Broker, make the following changes and run the create_queues script:
2. Downloading the Resources
Navigate to the Cinchy Releases table.
2.1 Event Listener
Download the latest Cinchy Event Listener.zip file from the Release Artifacts column.
Extract the .zip to the folder to <your event listener folder>
Execute the create-cinchy-event-listener-windows-service.ps1 PowerShell script. Pass in filePath parameter -filePath <Your Listener/Worker Path> to the agent.exe file. The script is in the installation directory.
2.2 Worker
Download the latest Cinchy Connections.zip file from the Release Artifacts column.
Extract the content of the Cinchy Worker folder to C:\<your cli worker folder>
Execute create-cinchy-cli-worker-windows-service.ps1 PowerShell script. Pass in filePath parameter. filePath = path to the Cinchy.CLI.exe file. The script is in the installation directory.
3. Event Listener Deployment
Navigate to the appSettings.json in your Event Listener directory and make the following configurations:
Client Settings
Your Cinchy URL
For Cinchy v5, this should be the password for the user eventlistener@cinchy.com.
App Settings
Private Cinchy web URL (ex. https://cinchy.net/Cinchy)
The password for the user eventlistener@cinchy.com.
(seconds) How often the listener polls for new configs in the [Cinchy].[Listener Configs] table. Default is 60.
Fill in the connection string to the SQL server hosting the Cinchy database.
2. To start the service, open the Run box (Windows + R) > services.msc
3. In the list of services, find the Cinchy Event Listener service. Right click on the service and click Start.
4. Worker Deployment
Navigate to the appSettings.json in your Worker directory and make the following configurations:
Client Settings
Your Cinchy URL
For Cinchy v5, this should be the password for the user connections@cinchy.com.
Private Cinchy web URL (ex. https://cinchy.net/Cinchy)
Cinchy SSO URL (ex. https://cinchy.net/CinchySSO)
The password for the user connections@cinchy.com
"Cinchy". This is the model for the CLI.
Temp directory for the CLI to store files.
Fill in the connection string to the SQL server hosting the Cinchy database.
2. To start the service, open the Run box (Windows + R) > services.msc
3. In the list of services, find the Cinchy Worker service. Right click on the service and click Start.
Last updated
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