Snowflake Source XML Example
This page details an example Snowflake Source connection
1. XML Example
This example XML uses the following values:
Value | Description | Example |
connectionString | The connections string for your source | "87E4lvPf83gLK8eKapH6Y0YqIFSNbFlq62uN9487" |
Object | The type of source object | "Table" |
Table | The name of your source object (in this case a table) | "Employees" |
Column Name | The name(s) of your source column(s) | "name" |
dataType | The data type of your source column | "Text" |
isMandatory | Whether the column is mandatory or not | "false" |
validateData | Whether the column data needs to be validated or not | "false" |
1.1 Blank XML Example
1.2 Populated XML Example
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