Parameter | Value |
entity | the DynamoDB entity name |
clientId | the encrypted client id from DynamoDB |
clientSecret | the encrypted client secret from DynamoDB |
awsRegion | the awsRegion which has been chosen (https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regions_az/) |
userName | the username required to connect to the DynamoDB server |
password | the password required to connect to the DynamoDB server |
Auth Type | This field defines the authentication type for your data sync. Cinchy supports "Access Key" and "IAM" role. When selecting "Access Key", you must provide the key and key secret. When selecting "IAM role", a new field will appear for you to paste in the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You also must ensure that:
Note: This field was added in Cinchy v5.6 |
Last updated