Connections Usage Example
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This example demonstrates a simple data sync using the Connections Experience. It syncs an entry (Some Data) from a sample table called Connections Test Source to another one called Connections Test Destination.
Below are the steps to set up the data sync, separated by the different pages in the Connections Experience. More info about each page can be found in the above sections.
This connection is called "test" and has no parameters.
In this example, both the Source and Destination are Cinchy Tables. Therefore, right after Cinchy Table is chosen as the source, the Load Metadata dialog appears. The relevant information is entered here to load the table metadata.
Note: The Username and Password are omitted in this example, but when putting in this info, make sure that that the account has access to the Source table.
After the Load button is pressed, the following dialog appears. Since Source Column 1 is being mapped over, it is chosen.
After the Load button is pressed, the Load Metadata dialog closes and the chosen columns appear within the Source as shown below.
Configuring the Destination page looks very similar to how it was done in the Source page. First, the Destination is chosen as Cinchy Table and the Load Metadata dialog appears. Then, the same information is entered here, except the Table Name is entered as Connections Table Destination instead of Connections Table Source. After load is clicked on the Load Metadata dialog, the following dialog appears:
As can be seen, the dialog is almost identical to the Source version. After clicking Load in this dialog, the chosen columns appear within the Destination page as seen below.
Here, Source Column 1 is chosen as the Source Column since the entries are being mapped from Source Column 1 into Destination Column 1.
Note: if the source and destination columns have matching names, they will be auto-filled as so.
The Sync Key Column Reference is chosen as Destination Column 1 since it's the only Column that is being mapped to.
No post sync scripts are added in this example.
Admin access is given to all users for this example.
On the Jobs page, the Start a Job button is clicked, after which the Start a Job dialog appears and the User ID and Password are entered (in this example, the same account is used as for Load Metadata in Source/Destination)
After clicking Run, the following console appears which gives information about the Job. As can be seen, 1 record was processed under the Source section and 1 record was created under the reconciliation section. This signifies that the Data Sync ran as expected and the entry from the Connections Test Source table has been synced.
As can be seen, there are other sections such as "Filtered" which indicates that Source or Destination Filter has caused these entries to not be included in the sync.
Since this sync ran successfully, it is logged under the "Successful" section below, however, if it had failed it would be under the "Failed" section and the user can download the accompanying log file to get more information about why it failed.
Lastly, to verify that the sync worked properly, the Connections Test Destination table can be checked to make sure the entry is now there.
As can be seen above, the entry is now in the destination table and so the sync was successful.