Target Destination Config Reference


The Destination page functions very similarly to the Source page, where columns are chosen from the Target type and Column Mappings are chosen from the Source columns to the Destination columns. Optionally you can also add a Filter. Below is an example with a Cinchy Table target:

Similar to the Source page, certain target types have the Load Metadata button, namely Cinchy Table and MS SQL Server. All other targets do not have this button.

The Supported Sync Targets page has a full list of all data sync targets and their varying attributes.

More information on how to use the Load Metadata dialog and how to set up the Column Mappings can be found in the Connections Usage Example.


The Sync Target contains a Column Mapping object, that contains individual mappings from the source column to target column. This implicitly defines the schema of the target as well (to the extent required). It also contains a Sync Key object (which includes at least 1 sync key column) and the sync record behaviours.

Optionally you can also add a Filter and/or Post Sync Script(s). Below is an example XML snippet:

      <ColumnMapping sourceColumn="Source Column Name" targetColumn="Target Column Name" />
    <Filter>filter condition</Filter>
		<PostSyncScript name="PostSyncScriptName" timeout="200">
			<CQL>update domain.table SET column = value where condition</CQL>
      <SyncKeyColumnReference name="Target Column Name" />
    <NewRecordBehaviour type="INSERT/IGNORE" />
    <ChangedRecordBehaviour type="UPDATE/IGNORE" />
    <DroppedRecordBehaviour type="DELETE/EXPIRE/IGNORE"/>

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