Binary File

This page describes how to use a binary file as a data source in Connections.

1. Considerations

  • Binary File does not support Geometry or Geography data types.

2. Basic Parameters

To connect a Binary File as a Data Source, fill in the following parameters (image 1):




The location of the source file. Either a Local upload, Amazon S3, or Azure Blob Storage The following authentication methods are supported per source: Amazon S3: Access Key ID/Secret Access Key Azure Blob Storage: Connection String

Header Lines to Ignore

The number of records from the top of the file to ignore before the data starts (includes column header).

Footer Lines to Ignore

The number of records from the bottom of the file to ignore


The encoding of the file. This default to UTF8, however also supports: UTF8_BOM, UTF16, ASCII.


The path to the source file to load. To upload a local file, you must first insert a Parameter in the Info tab of the connection (ex: filepath). Then, you would reference that same value in this location (Ex: @Filepath). This will then trigger a File Upload option to import your file.

Auth Type

This field defines the authentication type for your data sync. Cinchy supports "Access Key" and "IAM" role. When selecting "Access Key", you must provide the key and key secret. When selecting "IAM role", a new field will appear for you to paste in the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You also must ensure that:

Note: This field was added in Cinchy v5.6

3. Schema Columns

Geometry and geography data types are not supported for binary files.

  1. Add in your applicable columns (Image 2). Review the documentation here for information on the column types available.

  2. Binary File sources have a unique parameter for Standard Columns:

    1. Parse Content By - Choose from the following three options to define how you want to parse your content:

      • Byte Length - The content length in number of bytes

      • Trailing Byte Sequence - the trailing sequence in base64 that indicates the end of the field

      • Succeeding Byte Sequence - the trailing sequence in base64 that indicates the start of the next field, and thus the end of this one.

4. Filter

Adding a filter section allows you to enter a CQL filter statement for your results (Image 3). See here for more information on adding a Filter.

Last updated