Subscribing to Event Streams

1. Listener Configs Table Columns

To subscribe to an event stream, make sure you have a Cinchy Listener running connected to the Cinchy instance you are on. You will need to create a record in the Listener Configs table and Enable it to subscribe to events.

2. Testing an Event Stream

Once you have created your listener configuration, you can switch the status to Enabled. If there is a Cinchy Listener running pointing to this Cinchy Platform instance, it will attempt to subscribe to the specified event stream.

3. Listener Topics - Additional Attributes

The following attributes may be used in the Listener Config Topic column.

3.1 messageKeyExpression

Each of your Event Listener message keys a message key. By default, this key is dictated by the Cinchy ID of the record being changed.

When the worker processes your Event Listener messages, it does so in batches, and for efficiency and to guarantee order, messages that contain the same key will not be processed in the same batch.

The messageKeyExpression property allows you to change the default message key to something else.

Possible Use Case

  • Ensuring records with the same message key can be updated with the proper ordering to reflect an accurate collaboration log history.

Example Syntax

In this example, we want the message key to be based on the [Employee Id] and [Name] column of the table that CDC is enabled on.

{ "messageKeyExpression": "CONCAT(New.[Employee Id], '-', New.[Name])", … }

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