v4 Connections Installation Guide


  • .NET Core 3.1 Hosting Bundle (see below for download link)


1. Extract the applet’s files to the folder where you want to host the applet

  • We suggest to create the following path and extract it there: C:\Connections\

2. Create an IIS Application Pool

  • On the Windows Server machine, launch an instance of PowerShell as Administrator.

  • Run the below commands to create the application pool and set its properties.

3. Import the provided CSVs into their corresponding tables

  • C:\Connections\ClientApp\dist\assets\Domains.csv into the table [Cinchy].[Domains]

  • C:\Connections\ClientApp\dist\assets\Saved Queries.csv into the table [Cinchy].[Saved Queries]

  • C:\Connections\ClientApp\dist\assets\Integrated Clients.csv into the table [Cinchy].[Integrated Clients]

  • C:\Connections\ClientApp\dist\assets\Applets.csv into the table [Cinchy].[Applets]

4. In the [Cinchy].[Integrated Clients] table, update the columns “Permitted Login Redirect URLs” and “Permitted Logout Redirect URLs” to “<url>/connections” where Client ID = “cinchy-connections”

5. In the [Cinchy].[Applets] table, update the column “Application Url” to “<url>/connections” on the record where name=“Connections”.

6. Configure the Connections applet

a. Update C:\Connections\appsettings.json properties to match your environment.

  • “Client Secret” should match the Guid of the cinchy-connections record in the Integrated Clients table.

  • “Url” should be the URL of your Cinchy environment

  • “TempDirectory” should be a path pointing to a folder that exists, this will hold all log and error files

b. Update C:\Connections\ClientApp\dist\index.html

  • Do a find and replace on “/connections/” and change it to be the path of which you deployed the application to on IIS. This usually requires no change unless you choose to deploy to a different URL path.

c. Update C:\Connections\ClientApp\dist\assets\config.json

  • “authority” should be your CinchySSO URL in lowercase (<base-url>/cinchysso)

  • “cinchyRootUrl” should be your Cinchy URL (<base-url>/Cinchy)

  • “redirectUri” should be this applet’s url (<base-url>/connections)

  • “model” should be the model where your data sync configs are. Keep this as “Cinchy” if you don’t know.

  • “domain” should be the model where your data sync configs are. Keep this as “Cinchy” if you don’t know.

  • “useHttps” should be true if your Cinchy platform is hosted on a secure environment

  • “server” should be your Cinchy URL without “http://” or “https://”

7. Create the IIS Application

Last updated