MongoDB Collection (Column Based)


MongoDB is a scalable, flexible NoSQL document database platform known for its horizontal scaling and load balancing capabilities, which has given application developers an unprecedented level of flexibility and scalability.

Using MongoDB as a destination was added as part of Cinchy v5.5.

2. Basic Parameters

Input the following basic parameters for your MongoDB Collection destination (Image 1):


Connection String

This is the encrypted connection string. You can review MongoDB's Connection String guide and parameter descriptions here.


The name of your MongoDB database. Example: "test"


The name of your MongoDB collection. Example: "article"


This checkbox can be used to define the use of x.509 certificate authentication for your sync. If checked, you will need to input the following values taken from your cert: - SSL Key PEM - SSL Certificate PEM - SSL CLA PEM This feature was added in Cinchy v5.6.

2. Column Mappings

  1. Add in your applicable column(s) (Image 2). See the documentation here for further details on each column type.

Image 2: Column Mappings

6. Retry Configuration

Cinchy v5.6 introduced the Retry Configuration for MongoDB targets. This will automatically retry HTTP Requests on failure based on timeout or connection errors. If the final retry attempt fails it gets logged into the Execution Errors table

This capability provides a mechanism to recover from transient errors such as network disruptions or temporary service outages.

Note: the maximum number of retries is capped at 10.

To set up a retry configuration:

  1. Under the MongoDB destination tab, select Retry Configuration

2. Select your Delay Strategy.

  • Linear Backoff: Defines a delay of approximately n seconds where n = current retry attempt.

  • Exponential Backoff: A strategy where every new retry attempt is delayed exponentially by 2^n seconds, where n = current retry attempt.

    • Example: you defined Max Attempts = 3. Your first retry is going to be in 2^1 = 2, second: 2^2 = 4, third: 2^3 = 8 sec.

3. Input your Max Attempts. The maximum number of retries allowed is 10.

Last updated