Kafka Topic Source Example

This page provides an example data sync using Kafka Topic as a source

1. Overview

In this example, we are syncing from a Kafka Topic source to a Cinchy Table target.

We want to sync the following data from Kafka and map it to the appropriate column in the "Sync Target 2" table in the "Kafka Sync" domain.

Kafka Source
Cinchy Column


Employee Id



2. UI Example

This is what the Connections UI will look like with the aforementioned example parameters and data.

2.1 Source Tab

Your source tab should be set to "Kafka Topic" and have the following information (Image 1):

Tip: Click on an image in this document to enlarge it.

Column 1 (Standard Column) Parameters
Example Data




Employee Id

Data Type


Column 2 ( Standard Column) Parameters
Example Data





Data Type


Trim Whitespace


2.2 Destination Tab

Your destination tab should be set to "Cinchy Table", and have the following information (Image 2):

Domain: The domain where your destination table resides. In our example we are using the "Kafka Sync" domain.

Table: The name of your destination table. In our example we are using the "Sync Target 2" table.

Degree of Parallelism: This is the number of parallel batch inserts and updates that can be run. Set this to 1 for our example.

Column 1 (Standard Column) Parameters
Example Data

Source Column

Employee Id

Target Column

Employee Id

Column 2 (Standard Column) Parameters
Example Data

Source Column


Target Column


2.3 Sync Behaviour

Under the Sync Behaviour tab, we want to use the following parameters (Image 3):

Synchronization Pattern: Full File

Sync Key Column Reference Name: Employee Id

New Record Behaviour: Insert

Dropped Record Behaviour: Delete

Change Record Behavior: Update

3. XML Example

The following code is what the XML for our example connection would look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<BatchDataSyncConfig name="Kafka Sync" version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://www.cinchy.co">
            <Column name="$.employeeId" label="Employee Id" dataType="Number" isMandatory="false" validateData="false"/>
            <Column name="$.name" label="Name" dataType="Text" trimWhitespace="true" isMandatory="false" validateData="false"/>
    <CinchyTableTarget reconcileData="true" domain="Kafka Sync" table="Sync Target 2" suppressDuplicateErrors="false" degreeOfParallelism="1">
            <ColumnMapping sourceColumn="$.employeeId" targetColumn="Employee Id"/>
            <ColumnMapping sourceColumn="$.name" targetColumn="Name"/>
            <SyncKeyColumnReference name="Employee Id"/>
        <NewRecordBehaviour type="INSERT"/>
        <DroppedRecordBehaviour type="DELETE"/>
        <ChangedRecordBehaviour type="UPDATE"/>

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